Hoisting of College Flags: Historic Launch of Sinugdanan marks MSU GenSan’s New Beginning

As part of the celebrations for its Golden Anniversary, a historic event unfolded at Mindanao State University-General Santos City on September 6, 2023. The institution hosted the inaugural “Sinugdanan,” a celebration derived from the Visayan word “sugod,” meaning “to begin,” that signifies the start of a new academic year and, in a broader sense, the […]

MSU-Gensan unveils ASEAN Roster of Flags, celebrates National Peace Consciousness Month

In a momentous event, the University conducted its long-standing tradition of flag-raising ceremony at the start of each month merged with the celebration of the inauguration of the ASEAN Roster of Flags and the celebration of National Peace Consciousness Month on September 6, 2023 . During the flag-raising ceremony, Chancellor JD Usman D. Aragasi, MPA, […]

NCWP and PMWC Foster Partnership and Gender Equality Through Dialogue at MSU General Santos

In an important gathering aimed at promoting women’s empowerment and gender equality, the National Commission on Women and Politics (NCWP) and the Philippine Muslim Women’s Council (PMWC) visited Mindanao State University (MSU) General Santos for a consultative dialogue with the academe on August 30, 2023, MSU-General Santos campus Peace park. The event commenced with a […]

Symposium Unites Experts and Government Agencies for Sustainable Tuna Management Talks

General Santos City – The halls of Greenleaf Hotel came alive on August 23, 2023, as an influential talk “Tuna Research: Sustainable Talk Towards Sustainable Management of Tuna 2023 Onwards”, assembled an assembly of experts, practitioners, and government agencies in a concerted effort to pave the way for responsible and enduring tuna management strategies. The […]

MSUans start the academic year in Opening Salvo

Never beating the “MSUans are the most fun!”, students from all the colleges kicked off the academic year in an Opening Salvo last August 14, 2023. Led by the Office of Student Affairs and Services in partnership with other University offices, the Supreme Student Council, and various academic and socio-civic organizations, the MSU-GenSan Opening Salvo […]

MSU-GenSan undergoes RQAT Evaluation for COPC

Mindanao State University-General Santos underwent a thorough evaluation of its ten (10) academic programs for the issuance of a Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) in an onsite inspection by the dedicated Regional Quality Assessment Team (RQAT) under the Commission on Higher Education Regional Office XII (CHEDRO XII), August 10, 2023. In the opening program held […]

MSU-General Santos holds exploratory meeting with delegation from Malaysia

MSU-General Santos warmly received the advance delegation from Malaysia headed by Dr. Jamaloden Sahidan together with Dr. Alexander Sultan, President CEO of Halal International Chamber of Commerce and Industries in the Philippines last August 9, 2023. An exploratory meeting was hosted in connection with the recent collaboration forged by the Malaysian Government and the Philippine […]

Universities convene in Academic Forum on Climate Fragility Risks in the Bangsamoro

Mindanao State University- General Santos through the College of Social Sciences and Humanities in partnership with the Hongkong University of Science and Technology and the United States Institute of Peace, conducted an Academic Forum on Climate Fragility Risks in the Bangsamoro on August 2, 2023, at the Grand Summit Hotel, General Santos. The forum highlights […]